Tuesday's Gone was born in Raleigh, North Carolina in 2005 at an open mic night when a couple of local guitarists (John Pereksta and TR Gwynne) approached lead singer Ryan King and asked him if he wanted to get up and do a few Skynyrd songs. After agreeing, Ryan took the stage with the two guitarists along with the house drummer and bassist, and it didn't take him long to realize that these two had been playing together for quite some time. It wasn't the staple Skynyrd hits that people would normally want to jam on, like Sweet Home Alabama, or Gimme Three Steps, that they began to play. They started with "Workin' for MCA" and from there proceeded into "I Ain't the One", "That Smell", and "On The Hunt", and played all of the guitar parts flawlessly!
By the conclusion of the evening, and after a roaring applause from a Raleigh crowd, Ryan got everybody's contact info, and "Tuesday's Gone" began rehearsing the very next week in a small storage unit in Raleigh. Lead singer and frontman Ryan King said "It just sounded way too good to ignore, ya know? People had been asking me for years to put together some sort of a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute, and after hearing some pretty awful attempts through the years, I just wasn't interested. Then I heard how good one of these things COULD sound that night if it was done the right way, and with respect, and I just couldn't ignore it. This had to happen".